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Specialized services in Urology | Toluca Metepec

Urology is the medical-surgical specialty that deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that affect the urinary system, adrenal glands and retroperitoneum of both sexes and the male reproductive system, without age limits.

The growth of the prostate is usually accompanied by obstructive symptoms such as hesitant or intermittent urination, decreased strength, and a thinning of the urinary stream.

Prostatic growth

The presence of stones or stones in the urinary tract is called urolithiasis. It consists of the formation of solid elements in the urine that condition obstruction depending on the level at which they appear. Urolithiasis can occur in the kidneys, in the ureters; which are the ducts that integrate the kidney into the bladder, the bladder or even the urethra.

Lithiasis (stones or stones in the urinary tract)

Urine infection is caused by the invasion of microorganisms in the urinary tract. They are the most common cause of urological consultation. Causes symptoms such as burning when urinating, frequency, urgency, changes in color and odor in the urine, pain in the lower abdomen and even bleeding when urinating

Urinary tract infection


In presenting urine with blood with or without pain, you should consult to rule out any urological oncological pathology. Early detection and treatment increase the prospects for cure.

Cancer of the urinary tract

Doctor cancer blurr.jpg

Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs are all those invasions by microorganisms that are acquired through sexual contact. Currently there are multiple different diseases that are acquired through this route; The most frequent ones managed by a urologist are: Human Papillomavirus (HPV), genital herpes, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, among many others.

Sexually transmitted diseases

They appear in the genital area; either externally, in the penis or perianal and scrotal region. Caused by the Papilloma Virus.

Servicios especializados en Urología | Toluca Metepec Dr. Jorge Téllez 72 22 268 233

Genital Wart Treatment (HPV)

Pain which refers to the area of one or both testicles, this secondary to urinary tract infection, trauma, testicular torsion, varicocele or in certain cases testicular tumors.

Servicios especializados en Urología | Toluca Metepec Dr. Jorge Téllez 72 22 268 233

Testicular pain

Varicocele is an enlargement or reflux of the testicular veins. A varicocele is the equivalent of varicose veins in the legs but in the testicles. Varicocele represents one of the most frequent causes of testicular pain as well as infertility. It is usually characterized by acute pain or mild discomfort at the testicular level or that extends to the groin

Servicios especializados en Urología | Toluca Metepec Dr. Jorge Téllez 72 22 268 233


The male is the cause of infertility in 50% of the couples who suffer from it, its causes may be some alteration in the sperm, or some alteration in the semen.


Erectile dysfunction is defined as the persistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection, which prevents satisfactory sexual intercourse. It affects 4 out of 10 men by age 40 and 50% of men at age 50. various medications for the management of this disease as well as surgical options in some selected cases.

Erectile dysfunction

Urinary incontinence is referred to as the involuntary loss of urine that affects a patient's quality of life. It is more common in women but can also occur in men. It is one of the diseases of the urologist's field.

Servicios especializados en Urología | Toluca Metepec Dr. Jorge Téllez 72 22 268 233

Urinary incontinence

It is frequently associated with a decrease in the light level of the urethra, which conditions a series of symptoms at the time of urination, a decrease in the caliber of the urinary stream, difficulty urinating

Servicios especializados en Urología | Toluca Metepec Dr. Jorge Téllez 72 22 268 233

Diseases of the Urethra (Stenosis)

Surgical procedure using several 0.5 to 1 cm incisions. During the procedure, specialized instruments and a camera are passed through the ports to perform the surgery.

Laparoscopic surgery

Minimally Invasive Prostate Surgery

Prostate surgery represents one of the most common procedures in the Urological consultation. Both for benign pathology and for prostate cancer.

Minimally invasive surgeries are, as their name suggests, procedures that do not require large cuts or openings in the body. Natural orifices are commonly used to achieve a faster and less symptomatic recovery for patients. They cover a very wide range of procedures, from laparoscopic approaches, to TURP (Transurethral resection of the prostate), LASER prostate surgery, among others.

The formation of urinary stones or calculi (urolithiasis) represents another of the most frequent and painful pathologies in the Urological range. At present, minimally invasive approaches are the standard for the management of this pathology. Stones that are several centimeters in diameter can be removed without the need for open surgery.

Servicios especializados en Urología | Toluca Metepec Dr. Jorge Téllez 72 22 268 233

Surgery to remove stones

Vasectomy consists of the section and ligation of the vas deferens. As a consequence, in a short time the ejaculated semen does not contain sperm. It is a method of birth control that, although it can be reversible in some cases, it is generally permanent.

Servicios especializados en Urología | Toluca Metepec Dr. Jorge Téllez 72 22 268 233


It is the surgery that consists of removing the skin that covers the glans if the patient has an inability to lower the foreskin completely during an erection or when inflammation occurs in the glans or the skin that covers it.

Servicios especializados en Urología | Toluca Metepec Dr. Jorge Téllez 72 22 268 233


*Todos los pacientes de cirugía serán canalizados a unidades hospitalarias autorizadas.

Dr. Jorge Téllez 

Urólogo en Toluca & Metepec

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Urólogo en Toluca Metepec Dr. Jorge Téllez 72 22 26 82 33 Especialista en Urología Oncológica

© 2020 Jorge Tellez Urologist Toluca

Céd. Esp. 11497371

Céd. Prof. 7526729

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